Smoke Infused Vermiculite - 30 grams
Smoke Infused Vermiculite
Some of The Australian Native seeds we sell can be assisted to germinate with the use of smoke, as this is how nature aids the plant in regenerating in the wild. As it is not always possible to apply smoke for seed growth in home gardens or commercial settings, we have 'Smoke Infused Vermiculite' to help you grow your seeds.
This is a smoke-infused, dry, granulated product with the same density and consistency as commercial vermiculite. The phenolic compounds within smoke also promote natural fungicide.
Once water is applied to the Smoke Infused Vermiculite, the smoke-water is released into the growing medium and soaks the seed promoting germination of smoke responsive species.
Recommended application rate is 120 grams per square metre, spread over the surface of the growing medium. 20 grams is enough for one small garden bed or a number of pots.
Photo: June Parkin; Location: Sydney NSW, Australia; Date: 28MAY2024
Add water and apply to growing mix after seed is planted. - 30grams